How to Unblock Website in ESET Nod32 ?

Hurray!! Congrats! You are here now probably because you disable your ESET or maybe you use SmartPhone/Tablets that no AV installed or you used other AntiVirus other than Nod32. Either Way, you are happy to visit here and so we are.

How to Unblock your ESET Nod32?
Sometimes, when browsing some websites, Eset will blocks it - probably because it has some dangerous malware. For example, this blog is blocked by ESET.

It says: The web page is on the list of websites with potentially dangerous content.

Why does ESET blocks ?
Simple, because this blog has WORKING 100% keys though it is not source of this keys still they block all websites that associate with this keys.

Disclaimer: For the information of everyone, we are not the source of these keys..we simply copy+paste keys to share with you. If you like to be a legitimate user. Go buy their product and Keys.

Steps in Unblocking ESET
The solution is to temporarily disable your Antivirus
1. In you system try, right click the ESET icon ( this is the simplest way though it is dangerous )
Dangerous because what if you forget to enable it?

If you disable Real-Time file system protection, it will disable only real time but in other modules of the nod32, it is still working.

Also you can temporarily disable all Antivirus modules you can click Disable Antivirus and AntiSpyware Protection.
This is the simple way to access the blocked sites, you temporarily disable it. But sometimes, you forgot to enable back the protection thus it can cause potential attack by the worm , malware, and virus.

2. Just Uncheck the Http/Https
Since you only want to access block websites, this is the best method so far. 
1. Go to your ESET window,
2. then hit F5 key, it will show Setup Diablog window like the above screenshot.
3. Then in the Antivirus and Antispyware tree -> go to the Web Access Protection then
4. click HTTP, HTTPS then
5. In the right pane, uncheck the Enable Http checking :)

Simple right? :) If you have still problems, comment here. :)

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